
The documentary INVISIBLE, directed by the TSU's Valentina Montoya, co-directed and produced by Daniel Gomez and Andres Gonzalez., was nominated for Best National Short at the Bogotá Short Film Festival - BOGOSHORTS. 

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Oxfordshire's electric car club pilot scheme has proved so popular that 15 vehicles are set to remain in place at more than 10 new and existing locations around the county, following the end of the 18-month trial period. The scheme includes research by Dr Hannah Budnitz, Research Associate in Urban Mobility at the TSU. 

The launch of the EV car club pilot scheme

In a first for the TSU, Hannah Budnitz is excited to lead one of 32 projects funded by the Department for Transport in its latest (and 10th) round of Transport Research and Innovation Grants. Focusing on the potential of shared electric mobility to decarbonise local transport, Hannah will be building on her rewarding partnership with Oxfordshire County Council to develop a tool to quantify the place-specific benefits of electric car clubs.

Hannah Budnitz

Hannah Budnitz explains how, after a year and a half in operation, the Oxfordshire electric car club pilot has demonstrated the demand for sharing EVs in market towns and villages in an article for TransportXtra.  A short film also highlights Hannah's engagement with local policymakers to address the challenge of sustainable transport provision that has brought benefits to all involved.

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