Dr Gaurav Mittal
Researcher in Mobility Governance
Gaurav Mittal is a Researcher in Mobility Governance. His research interests lie at the intersections of urban transformations, political economy, and transport governance. His work engages with the study of biopolitics by investigating the governmentalities that shape material urban mobilities in small and medium size cities in the Global South.
Gaurav obtained his PhD from the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore in 2021. His doctoral research focused on the governance of everyday mobilities and their role in the production of urban orders in the two small Indian cities of Dehradun and Shillong. Before joining TSU, Gaurav was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Mobility Network in the University of Toronto (2023), and a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi (2021-22).
Parkar, K., Zérah, M., & Mittal G. (2023) Platformization, Infrastructuring, and Datafication: Regional Variations in the Digitalization of Indian Cities. Economic & Political Weekly, 58(14), 53–60.
Zérah, M., Nakkeeran, B., and Mittal G. (2023) Digitalization of Solid Waste Management: Mapping Shifts in Urban and Sectoral Governance in Mangaluru. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 30.
Mittal, G. (2022) COVID-19 and State of Exception: Urban Mobility under the Epidemic State. Economic & Political Weekly, 57(5), 52–56.
Mittal, G. (2022) The State and the Production of Informalities in Urban Transport: Vikrams in Dehradun, India. Geoforum, 136, 273–282.
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